Official CFOs, Launchofficers and FAI Observers 2024/25
The current list of Chief Flightofficers, Launchofficers and FAI Observers is online. Official CFO, Launchofficer and FAI Observer List 2024/25
The current list of Chief Flightofficers, Launchofficers and FAI Observers is online. Official CFO, Launchofficer and FAI Observer List 2024/25
The version1.10 differs from version 1.00 by: Removed all TMZs with the exception of the Kiripotib TMZ. Added a new TMZ with the dimensions of the Glider Zone. Added the new R airspace FYM401 Etiro. Now that transponders are mandatory in the entire Airspace E, most MTZ’s can be omitted. Squawk for gliders: 7677 We Read More …
Flying into Botswana Airspace
SSN Directive No. 8 – 2023
SSN Directive No. 7 – 2023
The current list of Chief Flightofficers, Launchofficers and FAI Observers is online.
Added SSN ARO (Aviation Recreation Organization) Approval for 2022/23.
Sometimes “No changes from last year” is good news. So it has been this year. The airspace files from the 201/22 season are valid unchanged for the 2022/23 season. We are happy to give you the latest airspace-files for download here . The ZIP Archive contains four files. OpenAir (TXT) format. For use in flight computers that use Read More …
Added signed page 2 of Manual of Procedures version 2 from 07/10/2021.
Added SSN ARO (Aviation Recreation Organization) Approval for 2021/22 and the SSN Club Approvals 2021/22.