Official CFOs, Launchofficers and FAI Observers 2024/25
The current list of Chief Flightofficers, Launchofficers and FAI Observers is online. Official CFO, Launchofficer and FAI Observer List 2024/25
The current list of Chief Flightofficers, Launchofficers and FAI Observers is online. Official CFO, Launchofficer and FAI Observer List 2024/25
Added: SSN ARO (Aviation Recreation Organization) and Club Approvals for 2024/25 SSN ARO Approvals
Minor bugfix: Airspace A overhead Windhoek TMZ added.
The update for the airspace 2024/25 is available. Please look in the menu under ‘Airspace’.
We are happy to give you the latest airspace-files for download here. On that page you also find further information about the new airspace. Please make yourself familiar with the namibian rules of the air. Enjoy and fly safely!
Good news about airspace usage: After extensive negotiations with the National Airspace Committee (NAIRC) and other Namibian aviation stakeholders, approval has been obtained for the special use of airspace for gliding up to FL195 north of the Windhoek TMA. The NAIRC approval has now been confirmed by the NCAA’s Executive Director. Many thanks to everyone Read More …
Airspace Violation TMA Windhoek
The version1.10 differs from version 1.00 by: Removed all TMZs with the exception of the Kiripotib TMZ. Added a new TMZ with the dimensions of the Glider Zone. Added the new R airspace FYM401 Etiro. Now that transponders are mandatory in the entire Airspace E, most MTZ’s can be omitted. Squawk for gliders: 7677 We Read More …
Flying into Botswana Airspace
Sometimes “No changes from last year” is good news. So it has been this year. The airspace files from the 2022/23 season are valid unchanged for the 2023/24 season. We are happy to give you the latest airspace-files for download here . The ZIP Archive contains four files. OpenAir (TXT) format. For use in flight computers that use Read More …