Veronica Veronica ICAO Code FYVF Location S23°26′00“ E18°16′10“ Elevation 1325 m MSL Runways · 08/26, 2000 x 90m· 01/19, 1600 x 60m Frequency 123.200 Remarks: Club’s Manual of Operations: Affiliated Club Approval: SSN CLUB APPROVAL Veronica 2024/25 Scroll UpHome The SSN About Constitution Chief Flightofficers, Launchofficers and FAI Official Observers Scope of Approval Manual of Procedures Approvals Quality Control and Management Clubs Overview and Location Bitterwasser Kiripotib Pokweni Veronica Flying in Namibia Memory`s of Understanding (MOU) Directives Precise Communication Commercial Traffic Language Proficiency Flying Requirement’s for Visitors Overview Pre Season Briefing Sport Documents Safety Good Practices Mandatory Spot Tracking Hazard Reports Airspace Airspace 2024/25 V1.20 Legal Documents Legislation Overview NAMCARS / NAMCATS NAM AIP / AIC / NOTAMs / Safety Bulletins Daily launch of glider list